Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stevia is Revolutionary!

While in India I was introduced to a plant with very sweet leaves called Stevia. Apparently it is used as a sweetener and has no adverse affects like diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure. In fact it can be eaten by anyone with a sweet tooth AND it has healing properties! Why don't we know more about this miracle plant? Because the FDA banned it, apparenetly after being pressured by the sweetener industry. They had patents on their sweeteners but since stevia is natural, no one can patent it and they (the sweetener industry) would lose lots of money. Unfortunatly millions of Americans are ruining their health with sugar and asparthem when they could be eating stevia. VIVA STEVIA!

FYI you can buy it in a concentrated form at any health food store. I bought some today. For more info check out:


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