Sunday, December 13, 2009

2 new neat videos

because these are cool, I thought I'd post them. But I'll write a little something first. I returned today from Nevada City where I participated in a fungus foray with about 50 other people. This weekend event included 2 slide show presentations about psylocybin (psychedelic) mushrooms, mushroom hunting in the forest in the pouring rain, a presentation on hunting for morells, and lots more mushroom fun. We stayed at Amigo Bob's farm and ate lots of yummie hippie food, including buckwheat-cinnamon-orange zest- vegan pancakes (with walnuts). YUM! We had a fire goin and we sang songs, watched a movie and laughed our asses off. For some reason I felt extremely raw when I returned home. I wanted to cry about feeling groundless- I guess this happens sometimes when you eat lots of mushrooms in the rain with boys you love and girls who giggle at everything.


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