nature and culture... UNITE!
I live in a beautiful place full of wildlife, fresh air and winding trails. I am rich with opportunities to hike, bike and swim but sometimes I also want to be amongst a few brown people. In Marin, this kind of opportunity is rare. So, I'm on the hunt for non-contrived nor super-political opportunities to simultaneously celebrate my love for cultural and biological diversity.
As a little kid my mom took my brother and I to feather river camp which, as I remember, did a good job at unifying my loves.
As a little kid my mom took my brother and I to feather river camp which, as I remember, did a good job at unifying my loves.
I loved Feather River Camp. I may go back this a counselor.
I'm also brown in Marin and craving community. I happened upon your blog looking for a CSA. I'll try to find a way to privately email to see if you'd like to chat or meet at the beach!
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