Monday, February 19, 2007

The New Single Woman! Halleluja!

So I was sceptical at first, about the idea of celebrating singlehood. It struck me as re-appropriation ie. taking a negative idea and trying to make it positive, which Im not a fan of. But this is a really cool book that Kay Trimberger has written about older single women who are not cohabitating (ie. single) but are happy! They are living rich, fulfilled lives and are WHOLE without a "soulmate." Really, the idea that we need someone else in our lives to be whole is so sad! It's so important to remember that we are whole the way that we are. So here's a description of the book posted on Trimberger's website (I love it!):

E. Kay Trimberger tackles one of the largest social phenomena of our times: the increasing number of single women over 35. Drawing on the diverse personal stories of long-term single women, including herself, Trimberger explodes the idea that fulfillment comes only through finding a soul mate. The new single woman rejects the cultural pressure to couple and unabashedly lives a fulfilling single life, one where she is not on her own, not defined primarily by self-reliance, but by her skills at creating friendships and her ability to link networks of friends into a community. Trimberger's analysis opens up new alternatives for the "good life," and speaks to the anxieties of single women in their twenties and early thirties.

The book's argument that married/coupled women and single women (including bisexuals and lesbians) are not different or in competition, but rather at opposite ends of a continuum that comprises many women in-between is a paradigm-shifting notion - one that ultimately strengthens and enriches both single women and couples. Networks of friends and extended family sustain single women, link them to coupled women and offer security to both.

Fascinating personal accounts of how single women's lives evolve over time, combined with incisive observations and trenchant analysis, provide a new cultural road map for creating a satisfying and meaningful single life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Nonviolence in Urban America!

Yes, I said it, nonviolence in urban America lives! Check out this website: . I don't have all the details but there are people who are working on a nonviolent campaign that has affected Boston, Providence, a town in North Carolna, Stockton, and Oakland is soon to come! Woohoo!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Adverse Affects of Confidence

I've been thinking about this every now and then- that the more confident I feel the less enthusiastic I am about "getting pretty" ie wasting time, money and comfort on getting dressed up (and here I am differentiating pretty from beautiful which is a whole lot deeper than putting on high heels and hot pants). This morning I found an interview between Bronques from Last Nights Party and Kid 606, where 606 says he needs to be insecure to make good music and compares it to women ( I don't think this is universally true but it's something to think about):

Kid 606: Yeah, it’s like... you gotta not believe in yourself, and most musicians, once they stop believeing in themselves, they make really good shit. It’s like with girls… Girls are hotter when they’re insecure. They’re more interested in being attractive and attracting other people when they’re insecure. It’s the same with musicians.

So what's a confident woman (or man) to do? Stop combing their hair and washing their clothes because they feel secure? I was given the advice that your primary concern should be encouraging other people. Whether that is smiling, wearing your hair "natural" or putting on your favorite T-shirt, the fundamental interest should be to encourage others and sometimes this will result in not looking hot but rather beautiful, glowing or just happy! I can live with that.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Suffer What There is to Suffer...

There is no true happiness for human beings other than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo… Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens. How could this be anything other than the boundless joy of the Law? Strengthen your power of faith more than ever.

Find more great quotes from Nichiren Daishonin's writings, submitted by the powerful young women of the Soka Gakkai International- USA here:

nam myoho renge kyo